Have Fun Discovering The Mystery

You might recall the book clubs from earlier days, where participants would sign up to receive the Book of the Month unless they opted for a selection from the catalog. Our concept is somewhat akin to that model. Individuals can join the Mystery T-shirt program as complimentary members and choose to subscribe to a themed series of 12 T-shirts centered around a specific topic.

Subscribers can pay monthly or 12 payments in advance to enjoy a discount.

If you’re not ready to commit to a theme, you can still enjoy our T-shirts. Simply select and purchase individual T-shirts from the series, it’s that easy.

  • Subscribe and pay twelve months upfront for any theme for ѣ25 per T-shirt, for ѣ300,
  • Subscribe for a theme, and pay monthly ѣ30 for each T-shirt,
  • Don’t subscribe to a theme and order a single T-shirt when you like a particular topic of a theme. In this case, the price of a T-shirt is ѣ40.

All orders are similar in their outcome. You will activate a Smart Contract for every T-shirt you purchase, triggering a position in the Grid plan. Click here to pre-order.

Mystery T-Shirt